Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Ratty & Mole Christmas 2016 | TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF

Comment on this post with a brief description of your personality/likes and dislikes, hobbies, interesting tidbits, and anything else you think would be helpful in letting a R&M Christmas participant know how to shop for you.

This post is for the 2016 Ratty & Mole Christmas Gift Swap.

Come back here once we've sent you your giftee to learn about them so that you can create/buy some very jolly Christmas presents.

And don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to get the scoop on all our other Ratty & Mole Gift Swaps >> RATTY & MOLE NEWSLETTER.

Questions? Contact us!

-Ratty & Mole


  1. So excited!

    I'm an INFP who loves nature, plaid shirts, playing my ukulele, and reading/collecting antique books. ;)

    I love loose leaf black tea with real ingredients, my favorite company is Metolius Tea. :) I enjoy drinking them out of tea cups and cute mugs that I collect (new and vintage). I also love plain, black, freshly roasted coffee. I love dark chocolate, but I can't have a lot of kinds because of soy and gluten allergy.

    I'm not a makeup person, I wear it, but I don't collect it.

    My dress style is simpe and classic. And my jewelry collection reflects that. I love simple chains, long and choker with pendants. I do love hats, particularly vintage hats.

    I love herbs, flowers, and essential oils.

    I enjoy baking and cooking and creating new recipes.

    I love journals and notebooks, pretty stationary, and quality pens.

    That's all I can think of, I'm pretty easy to please!

  2. Hi All!
    This sounds like so much fun!!
    I'm a labor and delivery nurse, with a love for travel, beautiful and unique things, drawing, yummy coffee and butterflies.
    I'm an introvert with extrovert tendencies... and while I enjoy a good party or night out- I really enjoy spending time on my bed and reading or watching a movie!

    I love drawing/watercolor materials. Interesting/nice pens and pretty earrings (not too dangly).
    Jewelry is usually somewhat earthy and unique. My favorite colors are almost a wine red (like deep merlot or cranberry), forest green, and purple.
    I have a somewhat hippie boho flair.
    Looking forward to Christmas, and also shopping for you- whoever you are!

  3. Hey Guys :)
    First off, let me say
    I think this whole idea is possibly the coolest thing ever!! It makes me feel like a little kid doing one of those sticker trade chain letter things where I never got any stickers but loved it anyway for the excitement ;)

    So... I think instead of describing myself.. Which I'm not very good at doing, I shall just copy and paste my happy list here :) these are all the things that make me smile :) I can't wait to read yalls!!

    English Roses
    Jazz Chords
    Folkish music
    Beautiful pianos (I play and LOVE it)
    Watercolors (i don't really paint but I LOVE others art..ahem.. Rachel ;)
    Hand lettering
    Time with Jesus
    Real hand written letters
    Old books
    Dr who
    Blush pink things
    Furry soft things
    Baby wombats
    Good concerts :)
    Dark chocolate
    Strong coffee
    Earl grey tea
    Pens and colored pencils

    There are more of course but that's enough for now :)

    1. The neat thing about this gift swap, is that there is a 100% guarantee that you'll get a gift :) However, in order to guarantee that, I need you to send your mailing address, email, and full name to

      More details about entering the giveaway here >>

  4. I'm a 22 year old from VA. I am somewhat of a coffee snob (locally roasted beans are my fav), I love authors like Niequist, TerKeust, and Voskamp. Some other things that make me smile are:
    Jimmy Fallon
    fluffy animals
    Madam Secretary TV show
    playing piano (especially soundtrack material)
    Indie music
    Simple, geometric gold necklaces
    Lewis and Tolkein
    Williams Sonoma
    Woodwick/RibbonWick candles

  5. Hi Everybody!
    I am a friendly, warm-hearted person who loves cold weather best. I love vintage things, classic authors, lipsticks, and cooking. I am a recipe-developer/food blogger in my spare time and as such love unique foods/spices/condiments and especially love foods tied into some local aspect. I love pretty things and clever words. I love handmade things and Broadway soundtracks, plus swing/big band music. Anything that has thought put into it. I also love history and Kate Spade.

  6. Hi everyone! I just happened upon this swap today so I'm excited to participate in time! I'm 33 years old and my husband and I have two sweet boys we adopted, aged 2 and 4. I'm also a part-time artist selling on Etsy. I paint and fire text onto pottery and porcelain. Lord of the Rings and Narnia are my inspiration for art.

    I love:
    Lewis and Tolkien
    toast and toppings
    handmade awesomeness
    paper goods of all kinds
    jewelry (although I don't buy much for myself)

    Thank you and I look forward to coming up with a gift for my swap partner!
    Sarah Rees

  7. Hello!
    I'm Anna Heffington and I'm currently pursuing a career in musical theater/ vocal performance. Traveling is my love language (NYC has my heart��). I also love succulents, adventures, over sized sweaters, lattes, and simple gold bar necklaces are similar simple jewelry.
    I'm not a huge fan of candles (mainly bc I always receive them), or tea and stationary (for the same reason ��). Can't wait!! Anna Heffington

  8. Hi everyone! My name is Hallie, I am 20 years old, and I’m currently trying to figure out my life ;) I attended Texas A&M the past two years, as a member of the Corps of Cadets, but this semester I am interning with a policy organization in Richmond, VA, where my parents recently moved.
    I love history, reading, handwritten letters (writing them and receiving them), hiking, the mountains, travelling, learning Arabic (I’m VERY much a beginner), horses, traveling, Christmas, and anything old-fashioned. I’m kind of a hopeless romantic at heart, though I also have an intensely logical streak. I’m a former tomboy who likes the idea of being more girly, but is still trying to figure out this whole “fashion” thing. I love classic looks, though. I’m also mentally preparing for my first winter with snow, as it’s not very common in Texas, but I’m super excited for it! And I can’t wait to be a part of this gift swap!

  9. Hello all!
    I'm excited to be a part of this. :)
    Well, I'm 21. I'm a creative writer, though I really enjoy/have a passion for all things creative! I'm an INFJ. J.R.R Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are my writing role models and I really like anything that has to do with them. I like drinking tea (preferably with minimal to no caffeine), and I like to try new flavors.
    When it comes to jewelry I like simple feminine, not super sparkly, chunky, etc.
    My style is mixed: Vintage/old fashioned with some country/southern and indie. Button-down plaid shirts, boots, etc.
    Some Likes:
    - Fuzzy socks
    - Journals/notebooks
    - Nautical stuff like model ships, paintings, etc.
    - Narnia
    - Letter writing (sending and receiving)
    - Creation/Nature
    - Hiking
    - Soundtracks
    - Collectibles (already started and wanting to start):
    Anything that has to do with writing really
    Vintage/old fashioned (as well as looking vintage/old fashioned) (any size) clocks/watches, books, maps, keys, compasses, chests, mugs, notebooks/journals, pens, coins, and I think that's it.
    Some Favorites:
    - Animal: Horse
    - Color: green
    Top book and movie genres (they've got to be good, not just any): fantasy, mystery, suspense, some romance, and historical fiction
    - Dislikes
    Really girly girl stuff like lots of pink, sparkly, and frilly stuff
    Animal print
    Neon colors

    Well, that's it for now! I won't bore you with anymore information. ;)

  10. Hello there, my name is Susanna. I am a Biotech major with an environmental minor, which means I love science, God's creation and learning. I also love:

    reading (a lot of military history, WWII, but also good fiction like Harry Potter)
    I actually do enjoy working out and am starting to collect a few things so I can have a home gym. :)
    I mostly listen to Christian music and country, but I also love soundtracks. (recently I started listening to Collabro)
    I drink coffee, but I enjoy drinking tea more. My favorite company to buy from is probably Stash
    My style is a lot of atheltic wear, but I love flannel, jeans and boots.
    My favorite color is probably blue, but you'll see me wear orange more than not.
    I am a patriot and love America.
    I am also a Christian and love my Savior.

    Well, that's all for now.

    Sue :)

  11. Oh and one thing I forgot to mention is, I love water. The ocean, swimming pools, etc. And I love learning about marine life. :)

  12. Hey all! So excited for this :)

    I'm Kyrene but I go by Ky. I live in NOVA and am currently just trying to figure out life :) I'm currently in EMT class and that ends within this next month (prayers would be appreciated for testing lol) anyways....I love to read-WWII history as well as fiction like Hunger Games and Harry Potter, Broadway musicals, anything fire/rescue related, whales and Elephants, anchors and coloring books. My favorite colors are mint green, navy blue and sparkles. I love coffee and cute coffee mugs, My sense of style falls more on the preppy side but I love earrings and headbands, anything to do with America, inspirational sayings, baking, travel, and anything Scandinavian.

    I think that's about it! Excited for this :)

  13. Hi all. I’m Charity, justice seeker, history aficionado, fire and rescue volunteer, avid reader, patriot, and paralian hopeful. I greatly enjoy reading (on just about anything), studying, thinking, singing, painting and sketching, volunteering, writing (letters, short stories, etc), working out, hiking, and being outside. I like ships and the sea, anything Scotland, adventuring, military, mountains, libraries, and a good cup of tea. I am a good mix of artistic and analytical; think painting and statistical coding.

    As far as presents go, I love anything handmade and that you’ve put thought into. Or a list of your favorite books, songs, or movies and why. Old books, inky pens, tactical gear, or quality tea.

