Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Ratty & Mole Christmas 2015 | TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF

This post is where you tell us about yourself!

Comment on this post with a brief description of your personality/likes and dislikes, hobbies, interesting tidbits, and anything else you think would be helpful in letting a stranger know how to shop for you.

This post is for the 2015 Ratty & Mole Christmas Gift Swap.

Come back here once we've sent out your giftee to learn about them so that you can create/buy some very jolly Christmas presents.

Questions? Contact us!

-Ratty & Mole


  1. I'm very British-or so most think that I am, when really I'm quite English- and also very childlike at heart. I'm a lover of words, depth, and find beauty in the everyday. I don't like beets but love those green Brussel sprouts :) I Enjoy drinking plenty of good strong coffee. I like to make handmade Collaged cards and absolutely love writing letters-a lost art.

  2. Hi, I'm Hallie Skansi and I love all things Christmas. I love to read and write, whether it be stories or letters or just musings. My favorite kinds of books are historical fiction or non-fiction (especially military history, but not limited to that), fantasy, CS Lewis books. I love to travel and have so many places I want to visit. I also love politics and national and international affairs. I'm a former tomboy who is trying to be more of a girly-girl, but knows very little about fashion, hair, accessories, etc. I'm working on it though ;) I also love hiking, horseback riding, exploring, and just being outdoors in general.

  3. Hello! My name is Rachel Heffington. I am a foodie, fashion-loving, art-enthusiastic, people-watching writer. I love all things vintage, handmade, simple, and creative. I love to read. Water color paints are my media of choice. Words go straight to my head and heart and I consider myself a "book drunkard." I'm insanely pleased by any extra level of thought someone puts into a gift, even the smallest amount! Practically speaking, I love tea, coffee, dark chocolate, thoughtful words, lipstick, "swanky" things, dressing up, and cooking. Audrey Hepburn is my style icon. Gregory Peck is my true love. Anthropologie-style kitchenwares make my heart happy, and there is NOTHING like a good outfit for setting one up for a good day. I love WWII history, traveling, and anything British, especially P.G. Wodehouse. There I am.

  4. Hello! I'm Amy, properly known as Miss Dashwood in the blogging circle, but you may call me what you please. I'm a reader, a writer, a grammar nerd and book geek (kind of redundant to say that after "reader", but you get the gist), a musical theatre fanatic, a seamstress, a tea aficionado, and a lover of all things chocolate and old-fashioned. I'm a secretary by day and a literary-web-series-editor by night, a devotee to pearls and high heels and the kind of music that Speaks to Your Soul, and I firmly believe that a good daily dose of snark will keep one's feet firmly grounded. Also, puns are life. I love history (and Civil War reenacting!) and cooking, tea sets and lotions that smell good, and I spend wayyyyy too much time on Tumblr and Pinterest and far too little time actually writing. Also, if I could, I would live in a lighthouse on the Oregon Coast with my best friend. The end.

  5. Hello there! I'm Carmel and I love all things fashion and beauty. Sephora gift card, MAC lipstick in the shade "Cream in Your Coffee", a rollerball of Nirvana "Black" by Elizabeth and James, any sort of chocolate, tea or nice pens are all things I love. Pretty socks or Target gift cards or anything in any way British will totally float my boat. Oh and books. I would love my own copy of any of Dorothy Sayers books, or Rosemary Sutcliff's The Eagle of The Ninth. I think that's everything?

    1. Also traveling. I bloody love traveling. That has nothing to do with Christmas gifts but there it is. ;)

  6. Carmel, can I just say, Dorothy Sayers is one of my favorite authors! She's amazing!!!!

    Hello, friends! My name is Allison Ruvidich. I am addicted to early English and ancient literature. I love whimsical, fairytale, beautiful things. I love vintage fashion and think the Edwardians had the most divine clothes (except possibly for the 1930s...). I love stylized, old things: the sort of half-forgotten decadence found in vintage clothes, old books, an old hairstyle... I am a spontaneous, a dreamer, a wisher, a magic bean-buyer. It's nice to meet you.:)

    1. I forgot to mention that I'm also a violinist, pianist, and singer. My favorite genres are folk, classical, and classical-sounding pop (soft pop? I'm sure there's a name for this). (And Walt Disney. I love playing/listening to Walt Disney music, especially from the 90s.)

  7. Hello! This be Jessica Greyson I've been dying to do one of these so I am hoping in!
    You all sound soooooooo perfectly lovely, and fun! I am a writer, teacher, and creative dreamer who loves to dabble in art, especially water color...and glitter. I love pretty things, shinny shimmer but nothing too loud you know, and my favorite colors run along the shades of blue and pink. I love reading and writing, ink and paper are one of my many weaknesses. Chocolate, tea, warm things like scarves, cute things like stuffed animals...well...anything never really do out grow them, mugs, tea cups and words!

    1. Also, I love causes such as Liberty in North Korea, or if you feel really stumped you could make an Operation Christmas Child box and just send me a photo. :D

  8. Howdy! My name is Jessica Skansi. I love adventures of any kind, the outdoors, genetics, a good political discussion, calligraphy, Texas A&M, Ancient Rome, and puns. My favorite tv shows include Call the Midwife, Downton Abbey, and Criminal Minds. As far as music goes, I just discovered Ben Rector, and I absolutely love him, but I also enjoy Needtobreathe, Tenth Avenue North, and anything country. C.S. Lewis will always have a place on my bookshelf, right next to Les Miserables, and The Unwind Dystology by Neal Shusterman. I am the least picky eater ever, and I am always willing to try new types of foods, but nothing will ever beat pasta carbonara from Italy. I think that's most of it, and I just want to say that I'm so excited for this and Christmas is the best time of year!

  9. Hellloooo! I'm Elle. Resident optimistic over-thinker. (who likes...)
    Frank Sinatra or Louis Armstrong on vinyl, the colour navy, elegance, a pretty copy of any Wodehousian masterpiece, constellations, handwritten notes, something that recalls the aesthetic dreamland that is The Age of Adaline, and Edison light bulbs. But most of all, I love thoughtful people. And I think that this is going to be so much fun.

  10. Hello! My name is Heather.

    I is a brief overview of myself...

    I love reading, but also anything to do with the outdoors. I'm studying Archaeology and am fascinated with the Middle East's history, especially Israel.

    My favourite music is Owl City, though I own all his albums except Of June. I also like Enya, (I own most of her CDs except The Celts, Watermark, and The Memory of Trees.)

    I like just about any book on history, but especially non fiction books. One I've been looking forward to getting is Devotion by Adam Makos.

    And as I said before, I love the outdoors, especially hiking. I also like to draw, write, and journal about my hiking adventures as well as photograph the places I go.

    I'm excited, this should be fun!

  11. Hello all! My name is Charity.

    A few bits about me: I have a heart for adventure and a passion for Truth. I’m an avid reader (favorite authors include C.S. Lewis, Dorothy Sayers, G.K. Chesterton, David McCullough, Agatha Christie, and J.R.R. Tolkien) and I’m a history aficionado (so basically anything history-ish I'll like). I love painting, ships and the sea, anything Scotland, history (I think I mentioned that), writing, singing, thinking, and discussing (so any particular articles you've been reading you'd think I'd like, etc). I’m a big fan of thinking critically and logically about all sorts of wonderful things, be it on theology, philosophy, psychology, science, art, etc.

    Some specific gift suggestions: I'd like a list of your favorite books or your current favorite songs, because I'm always looking to expand my interests; any old books (I like the historical, historical fiction, and mystery genre), anything ship-themed at all (books, paintings or sketches, models, etc), or anything handmade (I'd love to received some of your handiwork, in any form, be it typography, art, jewelry etc).

    I’m truly not picky when it comes to presents. Anything from a box of tea (Black, White or Green teas) to a copy of a new book that you’d think I’d like. So have a go ‘n all that!
